Philips Baby-produkt Avent SCF699

Philips Avent SCF699 Brugsanvisning

Her er Philips Avent SCF699 (Baby-produkt) brugervejledning. 4 sider på sprog Dansk med en vægt på 0.9 Mb. Hvis du ikke kan finde svar på dit problem Spørg vores community.

Side 1/4
• Always use this product with adult supervision.
• Never use feeding teats as a soother.
Continuous and prolonged sipping of uids will cause
tooth decay.
• Always check food temperature before feeding.
• Keep all components not in use out of the reach of
• Do not allow children to play with small parts or
walk/run while using bottles or cups.
• Do not place in a heated oven.
• Heating in a microwave oven may produce localised high
temperatures. Take extra care when you heat up drinks
in a microwave.
• To avoid scalding, allow hot liquids to cool before
preparing the feeds.
• Drinks other than milk and water, such as fruit juices and
avoured sugary drinks are not recommended. If they are
used, they should be well diluted and only used for limited
periods, not constantly sipped.
• To ensure the bottle functions correctly and to prevent
leakage, always make sure you: remove any debris or
residue that may collect around the rim of the bottle
before assembly, and avoid over-tightening the bottle
screw ring when assembling it onto the bottle.
• Expressed breast milk can be stored in sterilised Philips
Avent polypropylene bottles/containers in the refrigerator
for up to 48 hours (not in the door) or the freezer for up
to 3 months. Never refreeze breast milk
or add fresh breast milk to already frozen milk.
Before rst use
• Clean and sterilise the product.
• Place in boiling water for 5 minutes. This is to ensure hygiene.
• Wash and rinse all par ts thoroughly in warm water and
some washing-up liquid, then sterilise using a Philips Avent
steriliser or boil for 5 minutes.
• Wash your hands thoroughly and ensure surfaces are
clean before contact with sterilised components.
Do not place components directly on surfaces that
have been cleaned with antibacterial cleaning agents.
Excessive concentration of cleaning agents may eventually
cause plastic components to crack. Should this occur,
replace immediately.
• Plastic material properties may be affected by sterilising
and high temperatures. This can affect the t of the cap.
• Dishwasher safe – food colourings may discolour
• The teat is easier to assemble if you wriggle it upwards
instead of pulling it up in a straight line.
• Make sure you pull the teat through until its lower part
is aligned with the screw ring.
• When you assemble the bottle, make sure you place
the cap horizontally onto the bottle so that the teat sits
• To remove the cap, place your hand over the cap and
your thumb in the dimple of the cap.
Inspect before each use and pull the feeding teat in all
directions. Throw away at the rst signs of damage or
• For hygiene reasons, we recommend replacing teats after
3 months.
• Keep teats in a dry and covered container.
• Do not store a feeding teat in direct sunlight or heat,
or leave in disinfectant (sterilising solution) for longer than
recommended, as this may weaken the teat.
Make sure you use a teat with the correct ow rate when
you feed your baby.
• Teats are available in newborn, slow, medium, fast and
variable ow rates. Only use Philips Avent Natural
teats with Philips Avent Natural bottles.
To buy accessories or spare parts, visit
service or go to your Philips dealer. You can also contact
the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country.
• This bottle is not compatible with Philips Avent bottle
• Brug altid produktet under en voksens opsyn.
Brug aldrig askesutten som sut.
• Langvarig indtagelse af væske ødelægger tænderne.
• Kontroller altid madens temperatur, inden du giver
barnet mad.
Alle dele, som ikke bruges, holdes uden for børns
• Lad ikke børn lege med mindre dele eller gå/løbe,
mens de bruger asker eller kopper.
• Anbring ikke i opvarmet ovn.
Opvarmning i en mikrobølgeovn kan give lokalt høje
temperaturer. Vær ekstra forsigtig, når du opvarmer drikke
i en mikrobølgeovn.
• Giv varme væsker tid til at køle ned før madning for at
undgå forbrænding.
• Andre drikke end mælk og vand, f.eks. juice og søde
drikke tilsat smagsstoffer, anbefales ikke. Hvis de bruges,
bør de være meget fortyndede, og de bør kun bruges i
begrænsede tidsperioder og ikke drikkes hele tiden.
For at sikre, at asken fungerer korrekt, og for at undgå
lækage, skal du altid sørge for at: fjerne eventuelle rester
og lign., der kan samle sig omkring kanten af asken,
før samling, og undgå at stramme askens skruering for
meget, når den sættes fast på asken.
• Udmalket modermælk kan opbevares i steriliserede
Philips Avent-sutteasker/beholdere af polypropylen i
køleskabet i op til 48 timer (ikke i døren) eller i fryseren
i op til 3 måneder. Nedfr ys ikke modermælk igen efter
optøning, og tilsæt ikke frisk modermælk til allerede
nedfrosset mælk.
• Rengør og steriliser produktet.
• Læg produktet i kogende vand i 5 minutter før første
brug for at sikre hygiejnen.
• Vask og skyl alle dele grundigt med varmt vand tilsat
lidt opvaskemiddel, og anvend derefter en Philips
Avent-sterilisator, eller kog delene i 5 minutter.
Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV
Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten, Netherlands

Problemløsning Philips Avent SCF699

Hvis du har læst manualen omhyggeligt, men ikke fundet en løsning på dit problem, bed andre brugere om hjælp


Produktfarve: Transparent
Nem at rengøre: Ja
Oprindelsesland: Indonesien
Anbefalet alder (min): 0 måned(er)
Indeholder ikke: Bisphenol A (BPA)
Nem at bruge: Ja
Let at samle: Ja
Flaske materiale: Polypropylen (PP)
Nippel materiale: Silikone
Flaske kapacitet: 60 ml
Antal nipler inkluderet: 1
Antal flasker inkluderet: 1
Anti-kolikventil: Ja
Nem at få fat på: Ja

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