Lucky Ekkolod FF918C-T

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Side 1/1
Installing the Batteries
1. With a screwdriver remove both screws located on either side of the battery door.
2. Insert the 8-AA (not included)into the battery holder as picture.
NOTE:It is recommended that only high quality alkaline batteries to used.
3. Reattaching the battery door.
4. Reattach the battery door to the case using a screwdriver.Partially insert one
screw and then the other.Fully seat the screws.
5. Plug the power cable connector into the fish finder to make it ready for use.
Mounting the protable transducer
NOTE:The section cup mount is designed for quick,easy installation and
removal,NOT for high speed operation.If you intend to operate your boat at
any speed faster than trolling speeds,remove the suction cup transducer
from the water.
1. Attach the suction cup to a flat spot on the back
of the hull.Make sure to keep the transducer at
least 20 inches away from the motor.
2. When using the suction cup transducer on a
moving boat, it is best to secure the transducer
cable in case of accidental release.
Aloose transducer cable can cause damage to itself , your boat , or become
entangled in the propeller.Attach the tie down strap to the transducer
cable and loop the cable around an immovable object such as a rail or
fitting as shown in the illustration.
3. Rotate the control head up,power the unit on,and fish .
FF918C-T boat fish finder
Operations Manual
1. Thank you for choosing LUCKY
FF918C-T boat fish finder.
FF918C-T boat fish finder
Operations Manual
This a maz ing prod uct is es pecia lly d esigned for
mateur a nd profe ssional fishermen alike, to find out the
ocation of fish ,d ep th a nd bottom con tour o f water. The
nit can be us ed in oc ean , riv er or la ke and is fant astic
or detecti ng sc hool s of fish in any particular area. Using
mazing and i nnovati ve techno logy, this fish finder is the
eal tool to bri n g the fis h to you !
The FF9 18C-T is a combo unit that allows yo u to
ho ose either Cab le Transduce r user mode or Wi reless
se r mode. Thi s manual for Cab le Transd ucer so nar u ser
mode only.
Us e the U ser M od e menu choi c e to cha nge be tween
hese two us er modes
TRANSDUCER: This user mode allows you to operate
the FF918C-T with the Cable Transducer.
2. How FF918C-T Cable Transducer works
The FF918C-T is the easiest to use fish finder ever.
For most anglers, all youll ever need to do is power on
and fish! The FF918C-T automatically determines
depth and makes adjustments to keep the bottom and
fish visible on the display.
The FF918C-T uses sonar technology to send sound
waves from the transducer into the water. The returned
echoes” are plotted on the display, creating a very
accurate picture of the underwater world, including
distance to underwater objects such as the bottom, fish
and structure.
When used with the Portable cable Transducer, your
FF918C-T uses a 200KHz sonar system with a wide
(45degree) area of coverage from shallow to very deep
water in both fresh and salt water. Boat speed, wave
action,bottom hardness,water conditions and transducer
installation can all affect depth capability.
3. Display View
The FF918C-T displays underwater information in
an easy - to - understand format. The top of the display
corresponds to the water surface at the transducer, and
the bottom of the display corresponds to the Depth Range
automatically selected for the current water depth. The
Bottom Contour varies as the depth under the boat
changes. Digital readouts provide precise information
for depth, fish and water temperature.
As the boat moves, terrain and bottom composition
variations are displayed. Fish, baitfish and thermoclines
(underwater temperature changes) are displayed when
detected. Underwater conditions vary greatly, so some
experience and interpretation is needed to realize all the
benefits of the FF918C-T use the picture as a guide to
the most common conditions and practice using the
FF918C-T over known bottom types.
1-Battery capacity
2-Upper Zoom Range
3-Water Surface Line
4-Small Fish Icon
5 Depth ruler-
6-Medium Fish Icon
7-Lower Zoom Range
9-Water Depth
10-Water Temperature
11-Large Fish Icon
12-Bottom Contour
4. Powering ON and OFF
Press last 3seconds and release the POWER-MENU
key to power the FF918C-T on. Press and hold the
POWER-MENU key until the unit shuts down to power off.
1-Up arrow key
2-Mode key
3-Power Menu key/
4-Sensitivity key
5-Down arrow key
6-light Key
When the FF918C-T powers on, the will
temporarily display on screen last for 5 seconds.
Then will show .
From this menu, use the arrow keys to select either
Start-Up, Simulation.
If you do nothing, the unit will default to normal on the
water use.
-Use Start-Up for on the water use.
-Use Simulation for learning how to use the system
with simulated sonar data; access Simulator by
pressing the Down Arrow Key once
5. The Menu System
A simple menu system allows you to access your
FF918C-T adjustable settings. To activate the menu system,
press the POWER-MENU key. Press the POWER-MENU
key repeatedly to display the FF918C-T menu settings,
one at a time. When a menu setting is on the display, use
the UP and DOWN Arrow keys to adjust the menu setting.
Menus setting are removed from the screen automatically
after several seconds. In Normal operating mode, most
menu settings saved to memory will not return to their
default values when the unit is turned off. See individual
menu choices for more information.
NOTE: Each time the POWER-MENU key is pressed, the
backlight momentarily illuminates for easy viewing at
night. Adjust the Brightness menu setting to keep the
backlight on.
5.1 User mode--- 
Use the User Mode menu choice to change user modes.
1 9
5.2 Sensitivity---
Press the POWER-MENU key until SENSITIVITY appears.
Sensitivity controls how much detail is shown on the
display. Increasing the sensitivity shows more sonar
returns from small baitfish and suspended debris in the
water; however, the display may become too cluttered.
When operating in very clear water or greater depths,
increased sensitivity shows weaker returns that may be
of interest. Decreasing the sensitivity eliminates the
clutter from the display that is sometimes present in
murky or muddy water. If Sensitivity is adjusted too low,
the display may not show many sonar returns that could
be fish. (1 –9).
AUTO 18 0
5 3 Depth Range---.
Press the POWER - MENU key until DEPTH RANGE
appears. Automatic is the default setting. When in
automatic, the lower range will be adjusted by the unit to
follow the bottom. (Auto, 1-180)
NOTE: In manual operation, if the depth is greater than
the depth range settings, the bottom will not be visible on
the display. Select AUTO to return to automatic operation.
5 4 Zoom--- .
Press the POWER - MENU key until ZOOM appears.
Select Auto to magnify the area around the bottom in
order to reveal fish and structure close to the bottom that
may not be visible during normal operation. When ZOOM
is set to Auto, the upper and lower Depth Ranges are
automatically adjusted to keep the area above and below
the bottom on the display. Select Off to return to normal
operation. (Off, Auto, 1-180).
There is also a series of manual ranges which can be
selected. The manual depth ranges are determined by
the present depth conditions.
5 5 Shallow Alarm ---.
Press the POWER-MENU key until Shallow Alarm appears.
Select OFF for no Depth Alarm, or select 1 to 180 meters
to set the alarm depth. An audible alarm sounds when the
depth is equal to or less than the setting. (Off, 1-180)
5 6 Fish Icon ---.
Upper Zoom Range
Lower Zoom Range
Make sure press the POWER-MENU key until Fish Icon
appears. Select either Off to view “raw” sonar returns,or
On to view Fish symbols. Fish Icon uses advanced signal
processing to interpret sonar returns, and will display a
Fish Symbol when very selective requirements are met.
A select number of possible fish returns will be displayed
with their associated depth. (On, Off).
5 7 Fish Alarm---.
Press the POWER-MENU key until FISH ALARM appears.
Select Off for no fish alarm, or one of the following
symbols to set the alarm. An alarm will sound when the
FF918C180 detects fish that correspond to the alarm
setting. Fish Alarm will only sound if Fish ID+ is also set
to On. (Off, Large, Large/Medium, All).
Large fish only
Large/Medium fish
All fish
1 9
M / ℃
5 8 Units--- .
Make sure press the POWER-MENU key until UNITS
appears. UNITS selects the units of measure.
( Feet/ , Meters/ , Feet/℃ ℃, Meters/ ,where Fstands
for Fahrenheit and C stands for Celsius )
5.9 Color Tone---
Make sure press the POWER-MENU key until Color Tone
appears. Selects the method used to represent the bottom
and structure on the display.
(Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Grey)
5.10 Battery Alarm ---
Make sure press the POWER-MENU key until Battery
Alarm appears. Select Off or 8.6 to 13.5 Volts. Battery
Alarm sounds when the input battery voltage is equal to
or less than the menu setting. ( Off , 8.6 to 13.5 Volts )
5 11 Brightness. ---
Press the POWER-MENU key until Brightness appears.
Use the backlight for night fishing. Select 1 9 to activate -
the backlight at the desired level.
6. Maintenance
Follow these simple procedures to ensure your
FF918C-T continues to deliver top performance.
6.1.If the unit comes into contact with salt spray, wipe the
affected surfaces with a cloth dampened in fresh water.
6.2.Do not use a chemical glass cleaner on the less - this
may cause cracking in the lens.
6.3.When cleaning the LCD protective lens, use a
chamois and non-abrasive, mild cleaner. Do not wipe
while dirt or grease is on the lens. Be careful to avoid
scratching the lens.
6.4.If your boat remains in the water for long period of
time, marine growth can reduce the effectiveness of the
transducer. Periodically clean the face of the transducer
with liquid detergent.
6.5.If your boat remains out of the water for a long period
of time, it may take some time to wet the transducer when
returned to the water. Small air bubbles can cling to the
surface of the transducer and interfere with proper
operation. These bubbles dissipate with time, or you can
wipe the face of the transducer with your fingers after the
transducer is in the water.
6.6.Never leave the unit in a closed car or trunk - the
extremely high temperatures generated in hot weather
can damage the electronics.
7. Trouble
Many requests for repair received by LUCKY involve
units that do not actually need repair.
7.1. Nothing happens when I turn the unit on.
1.) Check the power cable connection at both ends. Be
sure the cable is connected correctly to a reliable power
source – red lead to positive, black lead to negative or
ground. Ensure the power available is between 10 and
20 VDC.
2.) Check the power connection to the FF918C-T. It is
possible to force the power cable connector into the cable
holder incorrectly. If the connector is reversed, the unit
will not work. Examine the contacts on the back of the
unit to ensure there is no corrosion.
7.2.There is no transducer detected.
The FF918C-T has the ability to detect and identify that a
transducer is connected. When powering on, make sure
that an appropriate transducer connector is plugged into
the unit. In addition, inspect the transducer cable from
end to end for breaks, kinks, or cuts in the outer casing
of the cable. Also make sure that the transducer is fully
submerged in water. If the transducer is connected to
the unit through a switch, temporarily connect it directly
to the unit and try again. If none of these action identifies
an obvious problem, the transducer itself is probably at
fault. Be sure to include the transducer if returning the
unit for repair.
7 3 There is no bottom reading visible on the . .
In very deep water, it may be necessary to increase the
sensitivity setting manually to maintain a graphic depiction
of the bottom. Inspect the transducer cable from end to
end for breaks, kinks, or cuts in the outer casing of the
cable. If none of these actions identifies an obvious
problem, the transducer itself may be at fault. Be sure to
include the transducer if returning the unit for repair.
7.4.When in very shallow water, I get gaps in the
bottom reading and inconsistent digital depth
The FF918C-T will work reliably in water 3 feet (0.9 meters)
or deeper. Remember that the depth is measured from
the transducer, not from the surface of the water.
7.5.The unit comes on before I press the POWER
-MENU key, and wont turn off.
Check the transducer cable – if the outer jacket of the
cable has been cut and the cable is in contact with bare
metal, you will need to repair the cut with electrical tape.
If these is no problem with the cable, disconnect the
transducer from the unit and see if the problem is
7.6.The display begins to fade out. Images are
not as sharp as normal.
Check the input voltage. The FF918C-T will not operate
on input voltages below 10 VDC.
7 7.The display shows many black dots at high .
speeds and high sensitivity settings.
You are seeing noise or interference caused by one of
several sources. Noise can be caused by electronic
devices. Turn off any nearby electronics and see if the
problem goes away. Noise can be caused by the engine.
If engine noise is causing the interference, the problem
will intensify at higher RPMs. Increase the engine speed
with the boat stationary to isolate this cause. Propeller
cavitation can also appear as noise on the display. If the
transducer is mounted too close to the propeller, the
turbulence generated can interfere with the sonar signal.
Make sure that the transducer is mounted at least 15
(380mm) from the propeller.
8. Specifications
Depth Capability:---------------------------540 feet (180m)
Sonar Operating Frequency:----------------------200 KHz
Sonar Coverage :---------------------------------- 45 degree
LCD : ----------------3.5inch MVA-TFT-LCD,320V x 480H
Control Head Power Requirement:--------8X AA 1.5 Volt
Alkaline batteries (not included)
Control Head Power Requirement:--------10V to 20V DC
(not included)
Installing the Batteries
1. With a screwdriver remove both screws located on
either side of the battery door.
2. Insert the 8-AA (not included) into the battery holder
as picture.
NOTE:It is recommended that only high quality alkaline
batteries to used.
3. Reattaching the battery door.
4. Reattach the battery door to the case using a
screwdriver.Partially insert one screw and then the other.
Fully seat the screws.
5. Plug the power cable connector into the fish finder to
make it ready for use.
battery bdder
battery door
Assemble the transducer
1.Line up the two ratcher pieces at position 1 so that the beads are aligned
with the rib on the transducer .Then assemble the other transducer parts.
Attaching the Transducer and Connecting the power
1. Plug the transducer cable into the socket that named TRANSDUCER located
on the back of the fish finder.
2. Push down on the cable cover to conceal the cable.
3. Attach the suction cup transducer assembly to the back of the case.
4. Plug the power cable connector into the back of your protable fish finder.
5.P lug the cable into the socket that named POWER located on the back of the
fish finder.
6. Verify that the transducer is still plugged into the protable case.
7. Your unit is now ready to be powered on and used.

Problemløsning Lucky FF918C-T

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Mærke: Lucky
Kategori: Ekkolod
Model: FF918C-T

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