Haier ES25V-E1 Brugsanvisning

Her er Haier ES25V-E1 (Vandvarmer & kedel) brugervejledning. 2 sider på sprog Engelsk med en vægt på 0.5 Mb. Hvis du ikke kan finde svar på dit problem Spørg vores community.

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Haier Home Water eateH r
Instruction manual
Please read this Instruction Manual carefully before use.
Please retain this manual for future reference.
Introduction of exterior and a essoriescc
Technical parameters
Electrical Diagram
Model a b c d e
ES10V-E1 (H) 300mm 338mm 456mm 152mm 100mm
ES15V-E1 (H) 335mm 374mm 495mm 152mm 100mm
ES25V-E1 (H) 370mm 409mm 546mm 152mm 100mm
Note: 1. The margin of error for the above parameters (measurements, weight) is ±10%.
2. Water tempe ture indicator is not a precision thermometer. It consists of three areas ra
denoted by blue; orange and red, which indicate the temperature of water in the
inner chamber from low to high respectively.
The permitted error limit of net weight above is
Item Unit ES10V-E1 (H) ES15V-E1 (H) ES25V-E1 (H)
Rated voltage V 230 230 230
Rated frequency Hz 50 50 50
Rated pressure MPa 0.80 0.80 0.80
Power W 2000 2000 2000
Net weight kg
Rated tempe turera o C 75 75 75
Volume L 10 15 25
Waterproof ade / IPX4 IPX4 IPX4gr
Mixing factor %
Tap water pressure MPa s n Pa s n Pa s n PaNo les tha 0.05M No les tha 0.05M No les tha 0.05M
Average temperature of hot ter outletwa oC
Re-heating time
(a temperature rise of 50oC) min
Diameter of power wire mm2 3×1.5 3×1.5 3×1.5
L : Brown wire
N : Blue wire
MT : High temperature limiter
BT : Thermostat
HL : Heating indicator
EH : Heating element
E : Yellow/green wire
Symptom Things to Check Solutions
No water
Whether the ter supply wa
has stopped or whether the
water pressure is too low
2Whether the water-
usage point is blocked or
whether the hot water
valve is opened
Check and clear
Only cold
water but
the heating
indicator light
is lit
1Whether hot water outlet
is opened Check and open
2Whether the water
temperature is adjusted
Increase the temperature to the required
value. Once the water is heated to the pre-set
tempe ture, control ow volume of cold and ra
hot ter using the moderating mixing valve.wa
3Heating time is too short
and set tempe ture is ra
not achieved
Continue heating
4Whether heating pipe is
Conr thi nm s is ot d e o he u t t reaso ns123 ,
then contact Maintenance Department
On y oll c d water
and e heth ating
indicator light
is not lit
1Whether power is
properly connected Check power socket
2Whether thermostat is
out of control
Conrm this is not due to the reasons
then contact Maintenance Department
indicator light
on all the time
1Water has not reached
the set temperature Continue heating
2Whether thermostat is
out of control
Conrm this is not due to the reasons 1,
then contact Maintenance Department
Water volume is
sometimes large
o sm lr al , or water
is s meo times hot
or cold
Whether water pressure is
Set lower mixing valve or ensure water
pressure is stable before use
Sma ll hot water
outlet volume
1Whether the present
temperature setting is
too low
Calibrate using the method stipulated in the
Instruction Manual
2Whether ter pressure is wa
excessive Set lower mixing valve
Safety Notices (Please read before use)
Prohibited Compulsory
Matters Essential Matters
our Service Cent nc ter o e he wat ater he er does
not work r p ope y emrl or its urn b t smell.
230 /50 z i depenV H n dent ower rce p sou
mu usst be ed at es.all tim
To r fety ensu e sa , t e h water heater shou ld
be nneco cted to indepe den nt s s ocket (do
no s pte reliabl ar gt u e ada rs) with, e e thin . In
a t ower et mu conform dd ioit n he p sock st
t nao tional ndards Us o watsta . e f er heater
without re bl rt i tric prlia e ea hing s s tly ohibited.
Us n imet te pe mult er o hecc k w ether he lih t ve
line and neutr ial l ne e ar reve e.rs
Do not dam d wiruse age e pand ower
socket. Pr p om tly cl an th dust one e the
power p g lu and soc t.ke
Check he pt ower met n her a d t e electric
wir die's ameter to ur ens e that t ey h co y mpl
with h rated urrent f t e c or th e water
electr ia tic n o eck t e ech h lectri ircuit.c c
nea the r wat ater i trictlyer he s s prohibited.
Do not touch t uhe pl g with wet s, hand
an sud e mak re that t e h water heater, plug
so docket not c into con ct ome ta with
water. f I they are accid tallyen wet, heyt
mu chst be ecked by professional rsons pe
a nted by our c pan forppoi om y be e using,
in order t revento p electrocution.
Do not connect to ower en p wh installing
or ai rep ring t e h water heater.
Non-professionals are strictly prohibited
from carrying out repairs, maintenance,
dismantling or revamping of the ter wa
Installati ter at utd s on of wa he er o oo irs
strictl roh ted.y p ibi
Do no installt t e h water heat i nvironment er n ean
w ch chi is sus ep e tibl to ice-formati Ic wi on. e ll
ca h conta er and water touse t e in pipe break,
le inad g to scal and water l kage.ding ea
Pl sea e t ke p eca r autionar m ures y eas
durin col weat rg d he , o dein r r to prevent
damage er to twa heat ro rer f m f ee inz g.
I h oft ower l df t e s p cab e d ageis am , it
from t e ufah man cturer M ntenance s or ai
D rt n rder t avoepa me t oin o id anged r.
Take ca e not be sr to calded y b heat ter. ed wa
· Touching of ot er h wat valve an pipes d is
strictl roh ted.y p ibi
Ma sur to e hke e ch ck t e er wat temperature
befor use s onle , u e y w en ih t f comfor e.eels tabl
D o t ro h tero n t use wa er f m t e wa heater
for drinking or similar r s. pu pose
wat at w n uer he er as ot sed r n fo a ext d ende
pe d of trio ime rai h t heater of . D n t e wa er
al tl wa er a ordi to tcc ng he instruction n s i
th hae c pter l M nte ce.on C ea g nin and ai nan
A: Water inlet pipe
B: Water outlet pipe
C: Inner chamber
D: Heater
E: Magnesium rod
F: Temperature
measurement pipe
G: Wall-mount support
H: Washer
Meanings of Icons
For nbidde
For enbidd
For denbid
For denbid
For enbidd
For denbid
For enbidd
War inn g
War inn g
Ca onuti
For enbidd
CSH10D0038_EN.indd   1 5/25/2010   4:27:15 PM
2.7 0.9 3.0
811 14
20 25 45

Problemløsning Haier ES25V-E1

Hvis du har læst manualen omhyggeligt, men ikke fundet en løsning på dit problem, bed andre brugere om hjælp


Mærke: Haier
Kategori: Vandvarmer & kedel
Model: ES25V-E1

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